Ferries & Beaches
Woods Hole, Autumn, acrylic on paper, 16 1/4" x 27 1/2"
Private Collection
Two Ferries, acrylic on paper, 26 1/4" x 33"
Ferry Deck, Two Passengers (unfinished), acrylic on paper, 27" x 35"
Ferry with Male Passenger on Deck, acrylic on paper, 28" x 36 3/4", Private Collection
Vineyard Port Leaving, acrylic on paper, 28" x 38"
Private Collection
Chains on Deck in B&W, acrylic on paper, 20 1/4'x 36", 2000
Upper Deck, Lewes, DE, acrylic on paper, 25 1/4" x 34", 1993, Private Collection
Upper Deck, Ferry, acrylic on paper, 26 1/4" x 34"
Private Collection
Clinton Side of the Ferry, acrylic on canvas, 29" x 62",
Private Collection
Ferry Terminal San Juan Islands (NW), acrylic on canvas, 12 1/2" x 17 3/4"
Whitby Island Ferry Terminal Dock, acrylic on canvas, 12" x 11", 2009, Private Collection
Trailer, Cape Henlopen Ferry, acrylic on canvas, 37" x 47", 1985, Private Collection
Lewes Beach Houses, watercolor on paper in sketch book, 8" x 12"
Zach's Beach, watercolor on paper, 9" x 12", 2013, Private Collection
Thelma Dale, watercolor on paper in sketch book, 11" x 13 1/2"
Cotton Candy/Boardwalk View, acrylic on paper, 31" x 46"
Red Crane at Menemsha, watercolor on paper, 12" x 9"
Outer Banks Storm Sky, acrylic on paper, 22" x 30", 1994
NC Storm, acrylic on paper, 29 1/2" x 37 1/2", 1993, Private Collection
Storm Clouds over Sea, watercolor on paper in sketch book, 7" x 9"
Storm Sky, Martha's Vineyard, watercolor on paper, 10" x 17 1/2"
NC Sunset, acrylic on paper, 23 1/2" x 40", 1993, Private Collection
Northport Yacht Club, watercolor on paper. 7" x 9 1/2",
Private Collection
Squibnocket View of the Atlantic, watercolor on paper in sketch book, 6" x 8", Private Collection
Salt Pond View, watercolor on paper, 6 3/4" x 12"
The ferry paintings were a natural for Val Lewton, who, from youth, loved the sea and seaside, and all things nautical. He liked the mechanical underpinnings of boats, the way they functioned, and the beauty of the shapes. Vacationing along the coast, Lewton photographed, and later studied and recomposed these photographic images into paintings. He found beauty in these surroundings, but also documented the ordinary life found in trailer parks and in beach communities, in boatyards and in fishing villages.